BOTOX® - Tulsa, OK

Reverse Aging & Stop Pain Without Surgery

a man getting BOTOX in his forehead

Noticeable facial wrinkles and lines caused by habits like smoking can feel like they change your entire appearance, especially if they make you feel older than you actually are. While aging is perfectly natural, these cosmetic flaws can impact your self-esteem and confidence, ultimately affecting your sense-of-self and wellness. Fortunately, you don’t have to commit to invasive surgery to minimize these signs of aging. Our cosmetic dentists at My Dentist Midtown offer fast and cost-effective BOTOX injections for rejuvenating facial enhancements. Plus, it can provide immediate relief for those struggling with jaw pain and headaches stemming from TMJ problems.

Why Choose My Dentist Midtown for BOTOX®?

  • Fast & Cost-Effective Facial Enhancement
  • Experienced Team of Cosmetic Dentists
  • No-Prep Lumineers for Smile Beautification

What is BOTOX®?

a BOTOX vial

BOTOX itself is an injectable solution comprised of botulinum toxin and sodium chloride. It has been officially recognized as an effective treatment for a variety of concerns, including cosmetic enhancements, muscle spasms, and pain. Our dentists offer injectables as a way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face as well as stop pain caused by TMJ disorder by strategically placing them in overworked and tension-filled muscles that have bunched up. This is the primary cause of facial wrinkles, and with the help of BOTOX, these muscles are able to relax and smooth-out, providing a more youthful appearance.

Who is a Good Candidate for BOTOX®?

a woman’s before-and-after BOTOX photos

We typically don’t recommend BOTOX injections to those who are pregnant, have skin disorders, neuromuscular diseases, or deep facial scarring. However, it is an excellent cosmetic treatment for those who are in their late 20s and older wanting to address some of the following imperfections:

  • Lines between the eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet
  • Smoker’s lines
  • Horizontal lines on the forehead
  • Lines at the corner of the mouth
  • Pain in and around the jaw joints caused by TMJ disorder

If you are wondering whether BOTOX in Tulsa can help you address your concerns, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists.

The Benefits of BOTOX®

a woman receiving a BOTOX injection
  • Fast Treatment: Each injection typically only takes a few minutes to administer, with our average BOTOX patient’s visit lasting between 20 minutes and an hour.
  • Non-Invasive Procedure: There’s no need to undergo invasive surgeries like a face lift to get the results you want. There’s little-to-no recovery time involved and no scalpel or anesthesia necessary with BOTOX.
  • Subtle Results That Last: When administered by a professional, BOTOX provides natural-looking enhancements that make a big difference. The results can also last between three and six months before you’ll need additional injections.
  • Cost-Effective Cosmetic Results: With BOTOX, there’s no high up-front costs attached like other cosmetic services.